
Schicht: 1~8
Produktart: Automatisch
Abmessungen (mm): Basierend auf verschiedenen Modellen
Mesh size(mesh): ≤1000
Leistung(KW): 0.12
Strukturmaterialoption: SUS 316L /304, Kohlenstoffstahl
Maßgeschneiderter Service: Alle Teile können individuell angepasst werden
Motor speed: 1400 r/min
Preis(US Dollar): 800-2000


What is the Lab Sieve Shaker?

Lab Sieve Shaker is a standard analysis sieve integrating powder grading and liquid filtration. It is suitable for accurate analysis of particle size structure of particles and powders in laboratory and quality control room, and test and analysis of solid content and impurity content of the liquid. It has the characteristics of low noise, hohe Effizienz, and high precision. A new type of special motor is used to generate multi-element high-frequency vibration to screen and filter samples efficiently. The standard screen body ensures the high precision of sample analysis. The electronic delay device can set the same screening time of the same material according to the needs, ensure the uniformity of the analysis data of the sample, and reduce the test error to a low level, so as to make an accurate judgment on the product quality. Kontaktiere uns to order your machine.

Advantages of Lab Sieve Shaker

1. The lab Sieve Shaker with time relay can be timed automatic shutdown and quantitative screening, it can ensure the repeatability of the experiment.

2. The whole machine is light in weight, small in shape and volume, and easy to place and move.

3. The machine is easy to operate, and 1-8 sieve frames can be installed on the host according to the needs. After the screening is completed, the required materials with multiple granular segments can be screened out at one time.

4. Low noise, platform, no need to fix.

Diagram of the Lab Sieve Shaker structure

Lab Sieve Shaker features

1. Set the screening time of the same material according to the needs to ensure the consistency of sample analysis data, and the platform runs without fixing.

2. It can be turned off at a fixed time, the time can be adjusted from 1 second to 9999 seconds, and it can be operated with a full-featured panel.

3. Accurate judgment of product quality.

4. Beautiful appearance, low energy consumption, hohe Effizienz, no dust pollution, easy installation and movement, and durability.

5. The mesh is not blocked, the powder is not flying, the feeding is fast and the effect is obvious.

6. No mechanical action, simple maintenance, lange lebensdauer, and material contact parts made of stainless steel, environmental health.

Lab Sieve Shaker produced by our factory