Vacuum conveying technology from JUBAO to improve product quality and prevent losses

Vacuum conveying technology from JUBAO to improve product quality and prevent losses

A sugar manufacturer in Malaysia was facing a problem, they were recommended by a local manufacturer and foundVacuum conveying technology

JUBAO: In their process, the conveying system is installed on top of a dryer and conveys the sugar from the hopper

located at the ground floor in batches to a dryer. The raw sugar arrives in sacks which are emptied into the hopper.

Once the sugar is dry it is directly filled into the stick packs or other small paper bags offered hygienically with coffee

or tea at coffee shops like Starbucks and five-star hotel restaurants.

The bucket elevator they had previously used faced several issues that affected product quality. Their production manager

spoke to JUBAO engineers: “Due to the open nature of the bucket elevator, there was always dust contamination, which

led to high product loss. It also requires manual inspection and removal of these black particles,  which kept six workers

busy for up to three hours for every three tons of sugar moved per hour by the bucket elevator. Another factor for product

losses were operator issues. Not only do they face hygiene challenges, but the quality of the product suffers greatly.

JUBAO vacuum conveyor operating as a closed system prevents any foreign material to enter the process. Additionally, it is very easy to clean and to maintain. Thanks to the quick-release system with filters and gaskets, the entire conveyor can be disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled for the next production in just a few steps.

“With JUBAO’s vacuum conveyor, there is no need to manually clean the black particles inside again, which is a significant labor savings, in addition to increasing the sugar output from 3 to almost 4 tons per hour. ”The production manager said to JUBAO engineer with satisfaction.“While the bucket elevator required maintenance every two weeks, JUBAO vacuum conveyor is running since six months maintenance free. This has significantly increased the available production time, thus helping us to further reduce production costs and remain competitive.

JUBAO vacuum conveyors for powders and bulk solids are perfectly matched to the high standards of operational safety and hygiene in the food and pharmaceutical industries.It can solve the dust during feeding material,create a dust-free environment for you.

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